• Nymphadora Tonks

    Tonks is our very first rescue, she was the tiniest thing we'd ever seen and her markings were too reminiscent of corpse paint for Zach to not bring her home.

  • James P Sullivan

    Sully is our moody boy, our second rescue, and our only true stray... we literally found him in a bush outside our apartment when we were in grad school!

  • Blinkous Galadrigral

    Blinky is our 3rd rescue and our 1st dog together! We call him our Frankenstein puppy, because when he was little we said we could see his seams!

  • Pamela "Ivy" Isley

    Ivy is our most recent rescue, and we affectionately call her our tiny monster. She's all herding breed, all energy, all the time.